School of the Holy Beast
It's one totally fucked up movie.
1) It's about nuns in a convent. Nuns who like to whip, torture and defile in anyway possible, the new recruits to the convent. Lots of whippings, torture and a few deaths are offered up to the viewer. Like to see titties in habit? This 70s Jap-tit-fest is for you!
2) The movie is also about religion - in a very fucked up way. Then again, I'm not sure if religion is ever not fucked up. In this movie, a priest abuses his position of power by fucking the headmistress and her second in command, of a convent. When the headmistress gets jealous, she tortures to death her second in command - but not before the baby is born. 18-years later, the grown up baby arrives at the convent looking for her past. She finds it big time. The priest is still at it, fucking nuns, and making them pregnant. The pregnant ones are of course getting offed - after being tortured of course. Maya, the daughter, digs deep and uncovers her past. Her revenge? Killing the priest's latest squeeze, then jumping in bed with him. Yes, for revenge, she fucks her father. Surprisingly, after fucking so many nuns, having some of them killed, he gets really worked up about fucking his daughter. He declares that she's god and everything.
Like I said, weird - really, really weird shit.
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